aim 1aim n. (1) 目標, 目的; 意図. 【動詞+】 To accomplish that aim you will have to work very hard. その目標を達成するために一生懸命に努力しなくてはならない achieve an aim 目的を達する use violence to advance one's aims 自分の意図を
that will make is easier for the assault team to take aim . 狙撃班が狙いやすくなる。
take aim down from top to bottom in a state of power 力を抜いた状態で上から下へ 照準を下ろしていき
i saw you take aim ... forget it . 本当に 残念だな
all guns , take aim ! 全砲門 狙え
all guns , take aim ! 全砲門 狙え
while the government leaders (the min family ) were serving the great , ok-gyun kim planned to take aim at gojong-king of korea only . 政府首脳(閔氏一族)が事大政策を採る中、金玉均らは国王高宗 (朝鮮王)のいわば「一本釣り」を計画。
the phrases such as " kento wo tsukeru " (to take aim at ), " kento chigai " (off the mark ), " kentou hazure " (out of register ), which are used even today , derive from this " kento ." 現代でも使われる「見当を付ける」「見当違い」「見当外れ」という言葉はここから来ている。
at present , ' o-mato zenkoku taikai ' (the national competition of arrow shooting at large targets ) is held at sanjusangen-do hall around the middle of january every year , but the competition is such that the participants take aim at targets located 60 meters away , which is similar in appearance to , but different in substance from , toshiya . 現在は毎年1月中旬に京都三十三間堂で「大的全国大会」が開催されているが、距離60mの遠的競技の形式であり、通し矢とは似て非なる物である。
as a general art of handling , a person holds a chain in his right hand and kama in his left hand to take aim at the enemy ' s head , face , shank and forearm to hit with the weight , use the chain to knock off the enemy ' s weapon , entangle the chain with the enemy ' s wrist or leg while containing the movements of the enemy and then slashing the enemy with a blade of kama held in the left hand to kill him . 一般的な操法として、右手に鎖、左手に鎌を持ち、敵の頭部・顔面・脛・小手の部分を狙って分銅を打ち付けたり、敵の武器を鎖で叩き落したり、敵の手首や足に鎖を絡めさせたりしながら、敵の動きを封じた後左手に持った鎌刃で斬りつけ止めを刺す。
point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards; "Please don''t aim at your little brother!"; "He trained his gun on the burglar"; "Don''t train your camera on the women"; "Take a swipe at one''s opponent" Synonyms: aim, take, train, direct,